Date:19 July 2001
Participants: B.Martin, H. Wang, W. Wilson, M. Sinclair, M.T. Chen, H.C. Lu, H.M. Jiang, W. Ho,C.S.Lien, P. Shaw

Issues and Description
Action by
  1. Huei mentioned that he hasn't heard anything back from Charles Lawrence about Tom Prince. He will keep in touch with Charles and inform us the status.
  2. Jeff mentioned that he will get 10 pieces of W band MMIC LNAs through CMU, and he have a second year student to test them. The required budget as he estimated for testing 80 amplifiers is $US271K.
  3. Huei mentioned there are several approaches to get the packaging and testing done for the InP HEMT MMICs LNA; namely: by ourselves, collaborate with JPL, collaborate with US vender and then they deal with JPL, collaborate with JPL through CMU or Caltech. He will summarize all this in detail and email to Fred to look at.
  4. Regarding the InP HEMT design, Huei got some minor comments from Russell; he will answer Russell right after this meeting.
  5. Huei mentioned they had a phone meeting with Wise Wave to clarify all of the uncertainties of SHM, Wise Wave will send us the final drawings to review, and Huei hope to close all design issue by tonight. Wise Wave agreed to deliver 5 blocks in early August. Mal confirmed the testing bench at AT is available to work in the range up to 42 GHz. Mal also mentioned he will prepare an invitation letter for Milton's visit, and arrange accommodation as well. There are some components needed to prepare here, Milton will take care to get all parts ready.











Action item







Lag Correlator Hybrid
  1. Jeff mentioned they succeeded in the test of partially populated, and reflection looks promising and fit the model pretty well. They also had some response tests on the output of the correlator, and the response frequency range up to the limit of test equipment, certainly responding all the way up to 26 GHz, it's very good news. But the level response about 5% to 10% of what they had projected, and they don't know why. They will test larger sample and talk to Warwick privately. Jeff also mentioned he sent a email to Warwick trying to fill in the detail of the interface issues about the elements going to be a large correlator. He wants to find a smooth way to do all of this, and he will talk to Warwick further offline.
  2. Warwick get all testing fixture ready for the CMO chips designed by Ray, he hope to run the test as soon as his colleague back from leave.
  3. Regarding the purchasing issue for the prototype components, Warwick is preparing a BOM with price and will send it to everybody to look at. He also mentioned he wonders about what sort of amplifier is going to be used after receivers for prototype. He thinks he probably could use the same amplifier for correlator. Warwick will talk this further with Eugene and Leo to find out.


















  1. West asks for Mal's help to check whether the coupler and transition on the drawings of AM121102 & AM121103 are correct.
  2. West mentioned the parts number has been changed from 9 codes to 10 codes, and the main structure of the drawings is almost finished, and more drawings for accessories will be followed up. An in the mean time, he will keep all these drawings updated and posted on the web accordingly.
  3. Bob proposed to use the CFRP material for top cover of vacuum cylinder in order to save the weight;he will send this information to Mal and Mingtang to look at.
  4. Mal sent Mingtang a report on heat transfer of the cryogenic system, Mingtang will read it and back to Mal.




B. Martin






Action item

Action item


  1. Eugene just got the laser head mount to integrate the New Focus laser with optical fiber alignment set. He will start doing the measurement this week.
  2. Eugene will use the free running laser pair to check the frequency response of the photo mixer.
  3. Regarding the piezo electrical bias circuits, he just got a support from the Institute of Atomic Molecule Science of AS. They have an electronic shop, developing very high voltage bias circuits. Eugene got a detail schematic from them to produce the prototype bias circuits for piezo electrical crystal, and this will be used for phase modulator. Eugene tries to fabricate the circuits by summer student. This circuit is below 1KHz &100V.












Bob is looking for a company to measure the accuracy of the prototype dish, and he hopes to get those two small dishes from CMA in mid-August.

B. Martin


Computer control ,software
Homin is still waiting for the software board from Suzy Jackson; he also raised a purchase request for the up grade version of the LabView/Lab Window soft ware. Mal will follow up to check the status.


Action item

Site Acquisition
Bob will follow up and contact the Obv. People in Hilo. B. Martin Ongoing
Next Meeting
7:30pm EDT,8:30am Taiwan, 10:30 Australia, 4:30pm Tucson/Thursday/July 26,2001